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TitleAcademic YearTopicTypeDescriptionProject OwnerOwner PositionCo-ownerContact E-mailPrincipal InvestigatorAttendingsResidentsMedical StudentsOther participantsInstitutions involvedSpecial skills requestedIRBIACUC (if applicable)GrantStatusLoooking for help?Deadline/Target datePublished in journalDOIPUBMED IDPresented at conferenceLast updated
Case report: adult-onset manifesting heterozygous glycogen storage disease type IV with dilated cardiomyopathy and absent late gadolinium enhancement on cardiac magnetic resonance imaging2019-2020CardiothoracicCase report/case seriesWe described a case of GSD IV with dilated cardiomyopathy and absent late gadolinium enhancementShawn LyoResidentshawn.kt.lyo@gmail.comDr. Mark Guelfguat Dr. Jay MeisnerShawn LyoJeremy MilesJacobiPublished in a peer-reviewed journalNoEuropean Heart Journal Case Reports10.1093/ehjcr/ytaa07811/7/2020 21:05:3611/7/2020 21:05:36
Conventional osteosarcoma of the distal femur with proximal tibial skip metastasis and bilateral pneumothoraces2019-2020MSK, Cardiothoracic, Nuclear, PediatricACR Case in PointACR Case in point for distal femoral conventional osteosarcoma with proximal tibial skip metastasis, pulmonary metastases and bilateral pneumothoracesShawn LyoResidentAlexandra Perezshawn.kt.lyo@gmail.comDr. Hyman ShwarzbergShawn Lyo Alexandra PerezAbsia JabbarDownstate, KCHCAccepted for publication in ACR Case in PointNoAccepted for publication in ACR Case in Point1/25/2021 22:34:251/25/2021 22:34:25
WHEN A LUMP IS MORE THAN JUST A LUMP: ANAPLASTIC LARGE CELL LYMPHOMA PRESENTING AS A BREAST MASS2020-2021Cardiothoracic, Nuclear, PediatricCase report/case seriesCase report for anaplastic B-cell lymphoma.Shuo XuPediatrics ResidentShawn LyoRaavi Gupta, Agha Wajdan Baqir, Yaoping ZhangDownstatePresented at ASPHO 2021No2/24/2021 15:01:562/24/2021 15:01:56
Milk of calcium pericardial effusion causing constrictive pericarditis2020-2021CardiothoracicCase report/case series, ACR Case in PointWe present a case of milk of calcium pericardial effusion resulting in restrictive pericarditis.Shawn LyoResidentDr. Stephen Waite Dr. Deborah ReedeShawn Lyo Mohanad Kurdi Karl DienerDownstatePublished in RSNA case collectionsYes3/9/2021 15:41:483/9/2021 15:41:48
Tracking radiologist eye movements during pulmonary nodule detection using a novel CT dicom viewer2022-2023Cardiothoracic, VisionBasic scienceWe created a novel 3D DICOM viewer within the MATLAB psych toolbox allowing high-fidelity eye-tracking. We analyze radiologists ocular motions during analysis of chest CT examinations during pulmonary nodule detection tasks.

Please contact Dr. Robert Alexander (robert.alexander@downstate.edu) to participate.
Stephen WaiteAttendingStephen.Waite@downstate.eduStephen Waite, Susanna Martinez, Stephen MacknickDr. Stephen WaiteShawn LyoDr. Stephen Macknick, Dr. Susana Martinez-Conde, Dr. Robert Alexander, Ashwin KrishnanDownstate, KCHCExists, having difficulty finding atm.Data collectingPossibly9/12/2022 20:36:519/12/2022 20:36:51